How to create fake links in facebook to get more traffic from your social media marketing .
1How to create fake links in facebook to get more traffic from your social media marketing .
0 Facebooktricks, howto 12:45
This is facebook bug that allows anyone to create fake links on facebook. so what is intresting in this ???This post is for web Masters , bloggers etc to get more trafic for your blog and websites from Social Media Marketing.
paste the link of website and right click on website link and then click on inspect element ,
and search for "<input type="hidden" name="attachment[params][urlInfo][user]" value="website url/">"
in my case i am using as website and i want to create fake link to my blog so i just change to
and then close this inspect element window and click in post :)
i just try it but no luck ! when click on post it still go to the original link